importance of a School-Based Mental Health System
What is mental health?
Mental health is a dynamic state of internal equilibrium for individuals to use their abilities in harmony with the universal values of society. Basic cognitive and social skills, ability to recognize, express, and modulate one's emotions and emphasize with others. Flexibility and ability to cope with adverse life events and function in social roles and harmonious relationship between body and mind represent essential components of mental health that contribute to varying degrees to the state of internal equilibrium.
Mental health compasses emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It influences cognition, perception, and behavior. It also determines how an individual handles stress, interpersonal relationships, and decision-making.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental health is " a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her abilities can work productively and fruitfully and contribute to his or her community."
Who proposed:
01. Mental health is organized around a hedonic and eudemonic perspective, in which a key role is assigned to a person's well-being as a desirable goal for many people, its inclusion in the definition of mental health raises concern. According to key;
02. Well-being includes emotional, psychological, and social well-being, and involves positive feelings. (Ex: - happiness, satisfaction) positive attitudes towards own responsibilities and toward others, and positive functioning.
(EX; - Social integration, actualization, and coherence.)
It also helps determine how we handle stress related to others and make healthy choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood.
03. Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel and act.
It's essential for leading a happy life. Research how we feel, think and live our lives by encompassing our emotional, psychological, and sociological well-being. Prioritizing mental health is, of course, critical, suicide is the second leading cause of death among people aged 10-34.
According to international standards, the overall state of health in Singapore is good. Better standards of living, good housing facilities, high education standards, proper sanitation facilities, provisions for safe drinking water, the active promotion of the use of preventive mediums, and superior quality medical service are responsible for significantly boosting the health and wellbeing of all Singaporeans. The National Health Priority Areas can therefore be defined as a form of collaboration between the state and the government, which focuses on drawing relevant expertise from the non – government section The primary objective of these priority areas is related to a continuum of care that includes screening, management and prevention, treatment, palliative care, and rehabilitation. The major health priority areas that contribute to increased rates of mortality and morbidity include cancer, mental health, Cardiovascular health, injuries, asthma and diabetes. This essay will illustrate the importance of mental health as the key priority area.
The term health is an essential concept and was initially defined as the absence of illness or diseases. However, according to the WHO health is now defined as the state of complete social, physical and mental well – being of an individual and is not just restricted to the absence of disease or any infirmity Although recent years have seen a significant improvement in the health status of Singapore, the aforementioned non – communicable diseases have been recognized as the leading causes for morbidity and mortality Mental health, the key priority area encompasses psychological, emotional and social wellbeing and influences the thoughts and feelings experienced by a person. It helps in determining the way of handling stress and decision making it includes the ability of an individual to enjoy own life and facilitates creating a balance between the efforts and life activities in order to achieve psychological resilience ACCORDING TO THE WHO Expert Committee on mental health reviewed the various definitions of mental health and observed that mental health is influenced by both biological and social factors. It is not a static condition but is subject to variations and fluctuations in degree it is the capacity of an individual to from harmonious relations with others and to contribute to form harmonious relations with others and to contribute constructively to changes in his – social and physical environment.
However, the mental health of the personality as a whole and the most important function of education and schools is to secure the mental health of boys and girls
Physical fitness is not an end in itself but is a means of promoting the mental and moral health of a child. The two factors that retarded mental health are the feeling of insecurity and the feeling of inferiority. It makes the child mentally timid and uncreative. They lose confidence and self–initiative.
The feeling of inferiority causes them frustration and a sense of unworthiness which is difficult to root out even with the most stimulating educational environment and schooling this feeling of inferiority is dangerous and results in repressions and inhibitions of certain reactions which strike at the very root of harmonious development and of mental health.
Similarly, the feeling of insecurity that is clearly discernible in small children gradually passes away as they grow up. But if the feeling persists in them, they will remain uncertain of themselves and incapable of constructive and courageous action and will be imitated -rather than creative.
Healthy-mindedness is essential for constructive and productive work and its cultivation is one of the important tasks of the educator. So, all possible measures of exercising their instinctive power and their sublimation should be provided by the teacher. For the saneness of our thinking health and physical strength are absolutely necessary.
However, for developing the mental health of the children the following measures should be taken into consideration.
01. The primary responsibility of the teachers in this connection is to infuse in pupils an attitude of loyalty to show that they are interested in pupils' welfare and development and that they are there. Sincere well – wishes. An attitude of friendship towards the pupils should be developed by the teacher. Because love, affection, and friendship are positive forces for the teacher, they manifestation of latent potentialities that are there in a child.
02. The teacher should give within their limitation to judgment and treat all children equally and impartially. They should try to assure pupils' emotional stability and eliminate undesirable maladjustment from which they suffer.
03. Proper situations should be provided to the pupils for cultivating the qualities of punctuality, sincerity, self–reliance, cooperation, sympathy, and goodwill they should be trained to practice.
01. Adaptable and – silent mind.
02. Conscious control of life.
03. Cheerful and optimistic outlook.
04. Well–regulated instincts and habits
05. Emotional balance.
06. Insight into one's own conduct
07. Enthusiastic and reasonable.
08. Normal sex – consciousness.
09. Freedom from prejudice
10. Calm
11. Good-tempered
12. Socially adaptable
13. Definite philosophy of life.
14. Capacity to think independently.
15. Satisfied with the work or occupation.
16. Realistic imagination.
Mental health hazards in the school.
The following factors can be mentioned briefly. These factors may adversely affect the mental health of the children.
Lack of children
Undue stress on scholastic and other competitions.
Defective system of evaluation.
Fear of failure results in tension.
Failure of the child to cope with the heavy school curriculum.
Symptoms of a child with mental illness. These symptoms can be divided into three categories.
Physical symptoms.
(a). Drumming with fingers.
(b). Facial twitching
(c). Nail biting
(d). Rese
(e). Restlessness
(f). Rocketing feet
(g). Stammering and vomiting
(h). Behavioral deviations
Aggression, bullying, hyperactivity, lying, negativism, poor school achievement, and sex disturbances.
Emotional symptoms
Persistent anxiety, intense tensions, fear hate, inferiority complex, extreme timidity temper tantrums, and excessive worry.
The role of the school is to promote the mental health of the student.
School can play a major role in the preservation and promotion of the mental health of children. There must be a suitable emotional intellectual and physical environment in which a child may have the feeling of security and the feeling of belonging. He should feel that his personality is given recognition.
The following measures can be very effective in securing the mental health of the students.
01. Physical makeup and mental health
02. Meditation.
03. Emotional stability of the teacher.
A teacher's personality has a great bearing on the personality development of the students it is stuffed while books can teach only personality can educate". A good personality includes
(a). Appearance.
(b). Voice
(c). Character
(d). Expression
01. Love for children.
A teacher must have an abundance of love for children. One who does not like children should not stay in the teaching profession.
02. Missionary Zeal.
03. Patience.
04. Consistency in the behavior of the teacher.
05. Democratic affixture.
06. True to his command.
07. Just and impartial.
08. Respect for the individuality of Chile
09. Close pupil–teacher contacts
10. Healthy home and school environment
11. Medical examination
12. The intellectual environment of the school.
13. Provision of co-curricular activities.
14. Freedom and self–discipline.
15. The proper level of aspiration.
16. Checking unhealthy competitions
17. Sex – education
18. Balanced curriculum
19. Provision of educational, Vocational, and personal guidance.
20. Moral education
School during the Pandemic Mental health impacts on Students. Coved – 19 pandemics have presented many challenges to Students, educators, and parents and we are seeing mental health impacts university students reporting the impact of the pandemic on their relationships tended to report higher scores them the pandemic itself has caused much worry, stress, and grief. These stressors can cause financial worries which have become prevalent during the pandemic and can ultimately lead to depressive behavior. Students and school leavers are most affected by the problems regarding mental health.
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